BMW’s CTO, Frank Weber, stated that the Neue Klasse project, which will debut its first vehicle in late 2025, is the most expensive in the company’s 106-year history.
“First off, [Neue Klasse] is the most expensive project in BMW history,” said Weber. “Not only are the cars new but also all of the technologies: architecture, battery cells, high-voltage battery systems. Not a single component is being taken from a previous generation [of vehicles]. Everything is new.”
The new platform, which will be used for a sedan and SUV, features entirely new technology including architecture, battery cells, and high-voltage battery systems. Weber emphasized that Neue Klasse is a significant departure from previous BMW models and has the potential to revolutionize the automotive industry.
“Neue Klasse is making huge progress in sustainability, efficiency, and technology,” Weber continued. “There are four dedicated ‘super brains’ in the vehicle. One, for example, connects all of the driving functions – chassis, propulsion attributes, etc. – all in one brain.”
According to Weber, the Neue Klasse project will require customers to familiarize themselves with a significantly updated version of BMW’s features. One notable change is the replacement of the traditional iDrive controller with a full-sized head-up display that covers the base of the windshield from the A-pillar. This display will be visible to all passengers in the vehicle.
“A vehicle is a very complex product, and the digital capabilities make it more complex. This vehicle [Neue Klasse] is capable of driving very well and when looking at it statically,” said Weber.