Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hyundai and Amazon Partnership Faces Criticism Over Car Markups Ahead of 2024 System Launch

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In response to Hyundai’s recent partnership announcement with Amazon set for 2024, online discussions are circulating criticism regarding marked-up prices on Hyundai vehicles. It’s essential to note that the new system has not yet been implemented and is slated to be available in early 2024. Despite this, concerns about pricing have emerged, indirectly confirmed by Hyundai officials.

The confusion stems from Hyundai’s existing digital showroom on Amazon called the ‘Hyundai Evolve Showroom.’ This platform, currently operational, allows users to research and compare vehicles but does not facilitate direct purchases through Amazon. Instead, it acts as a lead generation tool, connecting users with dealerships that have the desired car in stock.

A recent social media post gained traction, with a user recounting their experience attempting to purchase a Hyundai Ioniq 6 Limited on Amazon. The dealership provided a pricing sheet that included a $3,000 market adjustment, leading to misconceptions about the upcoming 2024 system.

To clarify, Hyundai emphasized that the screenshots circulating online are from the current digital showroom experience, distinct from the new customer sales experience announced with Amazon. Set to kick off in 2024, this system will enable the entire vehicle purchase transaction to take place on Amazon, with users arranging pick-up or delivery through local dealerships.

Hyundai also confirmed that, even with the new program, dealers will retain control over setting the final vehicle price. Addressing concerns about potential price hikes over MSRP, Hyundai acknowledged limited legal options but assured that the new system’s transparency would allow customers to easily compare prices among dealers.

The looming question remains: How will Hyundai prevent dealers from significantly raising prices? While the automaker has not disclosed specific strategies, it is evident that the ability for customers to compare prices easily may act as a deterrent to excessive markups. Further inquiries into Hyundai’s approach are pending response as the situation develops.

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