German Officials Disappointed by Activists’ Actions Against Tesla Giga Berlin-Brandenburg

Credit: Tesla

German officials have expressed disappointment over recent “days of action” by activists targeting Tesla Giga Berlin-Brandenburg. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck and the East Brandenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) both conveyed their concerns to German media.

Minister Habeck, speaking to the Funke media group via rbb24, criticized the protesters’ attempt to breach Tesla’s premises, stating, “The protest ends there, the criminal liability begins.” He also defended Tesla’s role, stating, “No one can have an interest in Germany without automobile production. We are campaigning for the cars of the future to be produced here — and for jobs and added value to be kept here. And Tesla also builds cars like that.”

Monique Zweig, general manager of IHK Ostbrandenburg, echoed these sentiments, warning that the activists’ actions could harm the region’s economy. She highlighted the significance of Tesla’s presence, noting, “We just had one company settle here in the region, which was a ray of hope for all young people who wanted to stay here in the region. This will be permanently damaged by these actions.”

Robert Radzimanowski, IHK department head, highlighted a broader economic concern, stating that many companies in East Brandenburg already hold a pessimistic outlook. He mentioned a recent economic report indicating that 80% of companies rate their situation as unsatisfactory or bad, with a low willingness to invest in the area. Radzimanowski suggested that the protests against Tesla would deter potential investors.

Commenting on the dispute surrounding Giga Berlin-Brandenburg, Radzimanowski expressed frustration with the situation, stating, “The local politicians in Grünheide and the region have their names and faces in the public eye. And opposite them is a group of masked people who in the end threaten to come back if – from their point of view – the right decision is not made. We find that very strange.”

  1. Many German people support Tesla here in Germany as they bring labor and produce modern eco-friendly products.
    These protesters are a small group of „professional protesters“ traveling from one place to another just for making trouble.

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