Saturday, September 7, 2024

Biden Will Replace 600,000 Government Vehicles Into Electric Cars

President Joe Biden took another half step towards carbon neutrality by signing an executive order saying that the federal vehicle fleet should only use electric cars by 2035.

This means about 600,000 vehicles will have to be replaced by the middle of the next decade, Reuters reports. Biden’s move is part of a plan to eliminate CO2 emissions by 2050.

“The federal government will work with American manufacturers and installers of vehicles, batteries, and charging equipment to convert their fleet to electric cars, achieving 100 percent acquisition of zero-emissions vehicles by 2035,” the fact sheet in the executive order said.

According to the General Service Administration, the government spent $4.4 billion on federal vehicles in 2019 that consumed 375 million gallons of fuel. The government is setting up USD650 billion to reduce CO2 emissions over the next three decades.

“The federal government can catalyze private sector investment and expand America’s economy and industry, and keep electricity, vehicles, buildings, and other operations clean and sustainable,” the executive order said.

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