Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tesla’s Optimus Robot Showcases 4680 Battery Sorting Skills in Latest Video

Tesla showcased its Optimus humanoid robot in a new video, displaying its prowess in sorting battery cells, taking walks, and executing various factory tasks. The footage, posted on the Optimus X account, reveals the robot’s capacity to independently sort 4680 battery cells, rectifying errors along the way using its end-to-end neural network.

Equipped with cameras, hand tactile sensors, and force sensors, the Optimus robot gathers data about its environment, enabling autonomous operation. Currently undergoing testing at a Tesla factory, the robot is progressively reducing the need for human intervention as it continues to enhance its performance.

In addition to its battery cell sorting capabilities and factory testing, the video highlights Optimus’s improved walking abilities, showcasing the robot taking a lengthy stroll through an office environment.

Tesla has been regularly updating its progress on Optimus, demonstrating significant advancements in walking speed and task precision. Previous demonstrations included the robot folding laundry, autonomously sorting objects, and performing physical activities such as yoga. Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, mentioned in December 2023 that the robots would be capable of threading a needle within a year.

During Tesla’s Q1 2024 earnings call, Musk emphasized that Optimus is already actively involved in factory operations and is expected to see broader utilization in the coming years. Tesla aims to have Optimus units performing various tasks within its factories by the end of 2024, with plans to offer the robots for external sale by the end of 2025.

In March, Musk also stated that the cost of Optimus is projected to be less than $25,000 or $30,000, aiming for a production cost “less than half of a car.” This advancement indicates Tesla’s commitment to integrating advanced robotics into its manufacturing processes, potentially revolutionizing the future of industrial automation.

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